In April of 2016 Charlie King tied the Senior record score of 200-15x in 300 yard F/TR competition at Catawba Valley Rifle and Pistol Club, the same venue of David Mark Honeycutt’s record-setting F-Class performance two years prior.
Charlie was introduced to rifle competition after retiring five years ago. In 2014 he participated in his first F-Class competition, shooting in less than a half dozen matches before his recent record tying performance.
The record-setting rifle incorporates a Stiller custom action, Manners T4A stock, Timney Tactical Trigger with a Sightron SIII 8-32×56 optic, and a custom home-built bipod. Topping off the build is a 26” varmint contour Criterion Barrels Rem/Age pre-fit barrel chambered in .223 Rem Match. This chamber option is designed to accommodate heavier bullets loaded longer than magazine length, which often proves to be an optimal design for short and mid-range F/TR match use, as well as slow fire high power service rifle competition with the AR-15 rifle platform.
Much of Charlie’s success can be attributed to his reloading technique, which involves careful load development. During load development, Charlie invested a good deal of time fine tuning his charge weight and seating depth. Charlie anneals his brass after each firing, helping ensure consistent neck tension after each loading. He also prefers to neck size his brass rather than running it through a full length resizing die. Much of his time was spent reading and researching online to find the ideal load configuration for his F/TR rifle. Charlie’s load of choice incorporates Berger 80.5 gr. fullbore bullets pushed by CFE 223 and CCI #400 small rifle primers.
As with all shooters who set or tie national records with a Criterion barrel, CBI plans to reimburse Charlie with a complimentary barrel built to his custom specifications. If you or someone you know has participated in a record-setting performance with a Criterion barrel, please have them contact us via email at [email protected], or over the phone at (262) 628-8749 with the details.